Blending With a New Team

Find a mentor

Find a mentor who can help you feel settled quickly. A mentor is more of a guide than a teacher. Make use of their knowledge, and in return offer whatever wisdom you may have acquired from your previous role.

Building a relationship with your mentor will help you become accustomed to, and understand the company culture and personality. Their expertise will be invaluable as you integrate into the team.

Get involved

Getting involved is a great way to endear your colleagues to you by showing that you’re a team player. Attend as many social events as possible as this is a perfect way to meet some of the biggest personalities in your new office. Whether that be the office five-a-side team, after-work socials or food clubs.

Build relationships

By your first week you should find out which of your colleagues you will be working more closely with. So, spend extra time getting to know them. Ask them lots of questions to better understand their interests and hobbies. Finding something in common with each of your colleagues is a good way to build individual bonds and essentially improve the way you work together.

Being approachable is also a fundamental part of building strong relationships. More people will come and introduce themselves if you portray a positive vibe.

Ensure you build strong relationships with all the people who will help you to do your job well; remember this is not just your immediate team but could be anyone from the sales manager to the boss’ PA.

Embrace change

It’s very easy when starting a new job to criticise practices that you aren’t used to. However, no one wants to hear about how much better your old job was.

Try to bring solutions instead of criticism. Adapt yourself to your new team’s way of doing things instead of expecting them to adjust to yours. This advice applies from small things such as booking a meeting room to embracing the wider ethos of the company.

What can you add?

All teams have strengths and weaknesses. Being able to show you are adding value to the team is vital to integrating swiftly, so take time to work out what your colleagues are great at and then where your strengths could be best applied. The easiest way to earn your colleagues respect is always to be good at your job and lead by example.