How to Handle Job Offers

What is most important to you when accepting a new role?

Counter-offers can take many forms: an increase in salary, additional company benefits, a sought-after promotion or new job title, additional responsibility, a change in role, more involvement in projects that interest you – or any combination of these.

Why you should stand your ground

There is rarely a good reason to accept a counter offer and stay where you are. You wanted to move, you’ve been through the recruitment process, you’ve been successful and you have scored a job that meets your criteria.

Think about these factors:

  • From the day of your resignation, your loyalty will always be in question
  • This lack of loyalty is likely to be an obstacle to future promotions
  • Your colleagues will look at you differently – after all, you do not really want to be there do you?
  • Your boss will probably start casting around for your replacement immediately – whether you stay or not
  • Why are they offering you what you deserve now, rather than before your resignation?
  • Has the real reason you resigned been adequately addressed?

Do not let an unexpected counter offer stop you in your tracks. Thank your employer for the opportunity and reaffirm your intention to leave.

However, should you decide not to leave for pastures new, be aware that your resignation has not been forgotten. You are going to have to work extremely hard to win back your employer’s trust. You might have to strive harder than your colleagues to prove your loyalty and worthiness as a long-term prospect.

If you need any guidance on this (or any aspect of your job search) then find your nearest office and get in touch with an expert consultant.